The history of golf, according to historical evidence, has more than 600 years. This brilliantly prestigious game of golf gave the world Scotland in the fifteenth century. From the annals we know that golf started to develop so rapidly that in 1457 King James II of Scotland was forced to issue a special decree on golf. This enjoyable pastime so rapidly came into vogue, capturing more and more supporters that had to impose certain restrictions on its distribution. However, then the desired effect was not achieved. Despite the will of the authorities, the aristocracy continued to wave their clubs around the country with increasing passion. And subsequently, King Jacob the Fourth of Scotland had no choice but to finally and unconditionally recognize golf as an official sport.
The meaning of the game of golf is that, moving on the grassy lawn to drive a small ball in a hole, hitting it in a certain way with a special club. It is desirable to reach the goal with the least number of strokes on the ball. Golf is played outdoors, against a beautiful natural landscape, on a special natural lawn. The rules must be followed regardless of the time of year or age of the participants. Golf is difficult to overestimate in terms of its beneficial effects on the physical state of human health and psyche. This game, in the process of development over the centuries, has become a harmonious sporting exercise for all muscle groups, a preventive training of vision, intuition, motor subconscious functions of the brain and a natural therapy for the nervous system. And it’s all outdoors! A golf session consists of long, up to 5-7 mile walks. Some golf courses can reach 30 hectares of total area. For middle-aged and elderly people who are burdened with executive work, golf becomes a true panacea. They prefer endless golf courses to a stuffy office with endless stress. In a pleasant natural environment the powerful can politely discuss their difficult issues without haste, distractions and “extra ears”, and in the course of the meeting also greatly strengthen their cardiovascular system. Golf also allows all people, tired of the modern lifestyle, to distract from everyday problems, because for a successful game they will have to fully concentrate on the course, club, terrain and nice young rivals. A standard golf course should have at least 9 holes. But in reality, courses usually have 18 holes, numbered in order. The length of each piece on the course can range from 100 to 500 m. The meaning of golf, is the least amount of strokes club to drive the ball into the hole. After all 18 holes counted the total number of strokes performed by participants. The starting point from which the first shot at the ball is called “tee”. At the other end of the site is a hole in which to drive the ball, which is indicated by a special flag. This place is called “green”. On it the grass is usually cut very short to facilitate hitting the ball in the hole. The space separating the area “tee” and area “green” is called a street or “fairway”. Here, as conceived by the organizers of the field, there are various natural obstacles, such as: small lakes, beautiful spreading trees of noble species, picturesque sand traps with a golden smooth surface (Bunkers), as well as other less experienced players who did not have time to pass this fragment. On the edges of the “street” or “fairway” there is an area called “rough”, covered with wild grass.
To knock the ball out of there is an extremely difficult task. Golf clubs are divided into two basic types: wooden and metal. The choice of one or the other depends on the distance to the hole and the difficulty of the obstacles. Each type of club has its own specifics of the game, its technical specifics of application and recommended distances to be used. The motion by which an athlete strikes the ball is called “swing. How far and accurately the ball flies depends on the correct execution of this movement. Performing this motion correctly requires a certain amount of practical, technical, and athletic training on the part of the athlete. On the number of “field hours” the player and depends on the length of the flight, the accuracy of “landing” and the final hit the ball in the hole. Therefore, it is extremely important, at least at the initial stage of initiation into golf, to take a course of technical tricks of the club to develop certain skills with the help of an experienced teacher. A professional will quickly and clearly help to master the basic techniques and secrets of the game of golf. He will help to discover hidden tricks and take part in the process of forming an integral perception of this wonderful sport to the fullest and from the first day of lessons. Golf is fascinating! Try it, you will not regret it!